[Cin] Crash when using DenoiseFFT

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 22 17:04:45 CET 2020

Thanks for taking the time to report and the thorough analysis/provision of
materials to provide help in diagnosing.  GG is looking at the dump now.
It sounds like an edge case which would be good to get fixed.  Phyllis/GG

On Wed, Jan 22, 2020 at 1:25 AM David Given <dg at cowlark.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a sort-of-completely-reliable crash when using the DenoiseFFT
> plugin: when the plugin is enabled, everything is fine; when disabled, then
> it dies within about a second on either playback or rendering.
> The reason for saying sort-of-completely-reliable is because it only
> crashes with one specific project. I spent a while working on it, with
> DenoiseFFT enabled, and then it started falling over, so it's clearly
> something in my project which is doing this. But I don't know what (I
> needed to get things done so after I figured out it was DenoiseFFT's fault
> I just disabled it and continued).
> Attached is the full crash dump and video.xml file. The crash still
> manifests without the assets being available so it should be easy to
> reproduce.
> I hope this is useful...
> --
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