[Cin] Crash when using DenoiseFFT

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 22 18:24:38 CET 2020

This long standing bug now has a fix because gg was able to create the
error and then determine that the fix does not create the error.  It will
be in the end of the month January 31 builds.   There is a Debian 9
specific denoisefft.plugin that you can use if you would like to have the
fix now.  You would have to replace the current one - you could make a copy
first of the original.  The file to be replaced is attached and its name is:
You would then have to restart Cinelerra.  It is safe to do this, but if
you are concerned and since you have a workaround, it is your choice.

GG is also looking into the green colored hard edges as they seem to be in
places where he does not think they should be.  If you prefer not to see
the hard edges, you can turn them off under the Window pulldown, option
Show Overlays, and click the "Hard Edges" to disable them.

Thanks again for reporting.  Phyllis/GG

On Wed, Jan 22, 2020 at 1:25 AM David Given <dg at cowlark.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a sort-of-completely-reliable crash when using the DenoiseFFT
> plugin: when the plugin is enabled, everything is fine; when disabled, then
> it dies within about a second on either playback or rendering.
> The reason for saying sort-of-completely-reliable is because it only
> crashes with one specific project. I spent a while working on it, with
> DenoiseFFT enabled, and then it started falling over, so it's clearly
> something in my project which is doing this. But I don't know what (I
> needed to get things done so after I figured out it was DenoiseFFT's fault
> I just disabled it and continued).
> Attached is the full crash dump and video.xml file. The crash still
> manifests without the assets being available so it should be easy to
> reproduce.
> I hope this is useful...
> --
> ┌─── http://www.cowlark.com ───
> │ "I have always wished for my computer to be as easy to use as my
> │ telephone; my wish has come true because I can no longer figure out
> │ how to use my telephone." --- Bjarne Stroustrup
> --
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