[Cin] New dav1d need new nasm?

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 19 20:47:43 CET 2020


> Sorry, I just saw recent commit message in Cin git:
> ...
> partially my fault because I not checked this requirement (I have nasm
> nasm-2.14.02-i586-1).

No, it is NOT any of your fault.  *It is the dav**1d developers fault. * We
have strived to keep up with new stuff but now gg is pretty disgusted and
is backing off on library upgrades going forward.  Wants to spend more time
with Cinelerra code because is is more fun.  We have to rely on users like
you, MatN, IgorB, and Andrea to report early problems with the build so we
do not get blind-sided for the end of the month builds.

> I can dig up some recompiling  tips relatively easily, I did some of this
> last year,
> but this still will require some manual action.
> (i don't think you want /me as buildmaster ...)

The problem with being a buildmaster is the requirement for a computer with
many, many cpu-s or else it is not possible to do monthly builds as it
would take too long.  Too many supported distros and I like the idea of
keeping older operating system versions available, to even include 32-bit
(that may have to be dropped in the future).

> Was openexr 2.4.1 stuff Ok enough for rebuild?
> We are glad you worked with OpenEXR 2.4.1 and supplied the patches as it
gave gg motivation to do the upgrade (before he got disgusted with this
library too).  However, he looked at your patches; then he looked at the
current way 2.2.1 worked; and then went a whole different way!  That
sometimes happens.

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