[Cin] Perpetual session

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 14 20:17:48 CEST 2020


>  It seems to me (but it's not sure
because I didn't keep yesterday's data) that the reverse and fast
> reverse are slightly slower than yesterday's release.
Yes, it is slightly slower because more checks were added to prevent
freezes; but still better than before.

PS: I apologize for wasting your time with "perpetual session"
> more strange sentences in the terminal.
No problem because I need to vary my tests anyway to catch problems that
may have come up and we did not notice.
For example, I had been doing all of my tests on caching without OpenGL and
that makes a difference too and on my laptop is slower.

> PPS: I attach "installation.tex" because I made a very small modification
OK, I got it -- keep them coming !!
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