[Cin] Current (10 sep 2020) pdf manual has some pictures displaced?

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Sat Sep 19 19:31:53 CEST 2020

В сообщении от Saturday 19 September 2020 17:59:38 Andrea paz via Cin написал(а):
> > I mean, may be it was design choice, but I prefer illustrations to be
> > literally on the same page or in same section as txt referencing them, if
> > possible ....
> Something can be done, but sometimes it lacks the space to let an
> image enter its section and the same page. This is the case of fig.
> 10.8 and 16.2, which I cannot fix.
> Latex works like this: we can give indications of where we want an
> image, but then it takes care of finding the best layout. It is one of
> the great advantages and convenience of Latex, but often the solution
> it finds is not good. Moreover, when you change or add something over
> time, the structure changes again every time you build the pdf.
> For example, I have arranged the figures you pointed out, but nothing
> prevents latex from changing their position again in the future. I
> have learned that the best solution is to intervene as little as
> possible, even if in truth I always find myself fixing something and
> then again and again.
> Keep reporting every issue, when you notice them: this finishing work
> is important.

If you want the figure to float, but not passing a \section command. you can use the placeins package and its \FloatBarrier command beyond which floats may not pass. A package option allows you to declare that floats may not pass a \section command, but you can place \FloatBarriers wherever you choose.

may this link help?

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