[Cin] Cannot render above 60FPS
gorge rankin
nonoobspam at gmail.com
Sat Jun 19 21:02:08 CEST 2021
"If an User uses a no standard frame rate She/He may have problem to play
it somewhere."
It's not the job of developer's to "protect from a what if". respectfully
that is straw man.
"If You, like me, think that Cinelerra-GG is a professional program ..."
No I don't think of it that way. And the cinelerra website itself *IS*
advertising to "novice" users.
First paragraph:
"However, with only a little bit of introduction, even a novice will be
able to create simple artful videos."
"IMHO, all of you can make a screencast with screen recorder at any (?)
frame rate you want but when you use a NLE the Format Project should use
the standard frame rates."
Now you're imposing the use case of free software. Reminds me of the
elitest gnome dev's but I digress.
Look, at the end of the day, this is a "NOTHING BURGER".
1. Screencasters such as OBS record using FFMpeg
2. The video from cin gg is rendered using FFMpeg.
3. FFMpeg is designed to this.
It's working for me here even with nVidia CUDA as well. I'm even able to
output ffmpeg raw yuv and pipe it to ffmpeg binary and no issues.
While 90, or 144 may not be standard in your industry as a "Pro". What if
a "Pro" like yourself is hired to work for someone at Twitch. Guess what,
you would be given source material well past the norm's you state.
If a linux gamer, who games at 240 hz on *their* pc wants to use Cinelerra
to edit game footage at 144hz on their pc, why not allow them? FFmpeg can
handle it. Shotcut, Kdenlive do it already.
The only reason YT uses 60 FPS is, because they have not gotten around to
upping the FPS. HTML5 can handle way above that.
I think it better to be forward thinking, than impose standards of one
industry only. And higher framerate camera's will eventually reduce in
price that they are the norm as well.
Else, I guess we should simply change Cinelerra's site to say "go use
someone else" , or close the doors.
On Sat, Jun 19, 2021 at 4:06 AM Igor BEGHETTO via Cin <
cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org> wrote:
> What I know 72, 90, and 144 are not standard frame rates. I don't remember
> for 100 fps, seems to me not.
> I think only standard frame rates should be taken into consideration by
> Cinelerra-GG, otherwise what is a standard for?
> If an User uses a no standard frame rate She/He may have problem to play
> it somewhere.
> If You, like me, think that Cinelerra-GG is a professional program (I
> would say mostly Prosumer) only the standard frame rate should be there to
> avoid future/next problem with users (and broadcast). And could it happen
> for Video/Audio sync?
> IMHO, all of you can make a screencast with screen recorder at any (?)
> frame rate you want but when you use a NLE the Format Project should use
> the standard frame rates.
> What I know Cinelerra-GG may work with any source frame rate but the
> Project Format should be conformed to standards.
> The check on the frame rate that Cinelerra-GG performs are just for that.
> Sorry if I think so.
> I would like to know by Pierre, Sam, RafaMar and other Professionl Video
> Editor what they think about it.
> Thanks!
> IgorBeg
> Il 18/06/2021 15:46, Andrea paz via Cin ha scritto:
> cool! Did you tried to import resulted files back into Cingg and try to proxy them?)
> Rendered again at 144 fps ==> OK; closed CinGG; start CinGG ; load the
> file mp4 at 144 fps (1080p) ==> OK
> Proxy a 1/2 default (mpeg) ==> error:
> int FFMPEG::open_encoder(const char*, const char*):
> check_frame_rate failed
> /home/paz/video_editing/prova/CinGG-std-test.proxy2-mp4.mpeg
> proxy: failed=1 canceled=0
> int ProxyRender::create_needed_proxies(int):
> Error making proxy.
> proxy: failed=0 canceled=0
> (The proxies are 2 because in the timeline I had created a clip and
> then brought it back into the timeline as a nested clip, appended to
> the previous edit.)
> Created a proxy in mov.mov (1/2) ==> OK
> Done various editing with proxy/original ==> OK
> Deleted the proxy ==> OK
> --
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> Cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org
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