[Cin] HDV with PCM audio as Blu-ray video burned to BD-RE discs

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 9 19:57:28 CET 2022

Working on bluray updated information and potential changes as I finally
got my bluray burner working again.

> Else I suggest that the # comments in the manual should be kept to explain
> what happends.
I am not sure what the above is referring to.  It sounds like "the #
comments should be kept" means "no changes"?  If my interpretation is
incorrect, please provide detailed information so I do not miss something.

And also how the mkudffs size was calculated.
I have included the actual calculation in section 14 (not checked into GIT
yet) after the initial mention of mkudffs in the lines:

> it creates an empty filesystem image <target>/bd.udfs using mkudffs which
> makes a big hole for the filesystem data. The hole is made just a little
> bigger than the data written by bdwrite...
Added line is:  "The actual calculation for the mkudffs size is
yourfile.m2ts size-in-bytes/2048 + 4096."
In section 14.6, the calculation was already in the manual as:

> du -sb /yourHDVfile.MTS         # Determine the size of your file in bytes.
> blocks=((size-in-bytes/2048 + 4096))    # Convert bytes into blocks + a
> little more.
> mkudffs /tmp/newfilename.udfs blocks    # Create a file with that \# of
> blocks + some extra.
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