[Cin] blds/bld_prepare.sh update

mnieuw at zap.a2000.nl mnieuw at zap.a2000.nl
Wed Mar 30 22:08:54 CEST 2022

Well, at least I got a working Arch VM, with XFCE dekstop,
VBox guest utils with working folder sharing/clipboard/dragdrop,
git installed, audio/video working (with Firefox youtube). This will be
my pristine base, made a snapshot.

Got cin source, ./configure reported as first error gtk+-2.0 missing.
Will continue tomorrow or later.


On Tue, 29 Mar 2022 16:48:02 +0200
Andrea paz via Cin <cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org> wrote:

> > @Andrea, did not have time to add an Arch/Manjaro section.  
> I got the dependencies from Arch's AUR repository. I integrated other
> dependencies (mostly graphics libraries) and got the following minimal
> base:
> alsa-lib alsa-utils aom cairo dav1d expat fftw flac gdb glu gtk2
> harfbuzz inkscape dvdauthor udftools libavc1394 libdv libglvnd
> libiec1883 libjpeg-turbo libogg libpng libpulse libraw1394 libtheora
> libtif libva libva-utils libvdpau libvorbis libvpx libwebp libxv
> mesa-utils numactl openexr opus cmake ctags git libxml2 nasm
> perl-xml-libxml perl-xml-parser python xorg-mkfontscale yasm
> In the README.arch file in the CinGG git there are many other
> dependencies. I wonder if they are all really necessary. I don't know
> the use of many of them; others I think are installed in arch, at
> least to have the graphics with xorg; for example libx11 I don't know
> if it is needed or if it can be removed. It must be said that many of
> them are dependencies of other packages in the list, so even without
> indicating them they are installed anyway. In short, many of these
> dependencies are very old and I don't know if they are still needed.
> Unfortunately, I can't check for myself because I still can't compile
> from git:
> atk bzip2 fontconfig \
> freetype2 fribidi gdk-pixbuf2 \
> graphite libdatrie \
> libffi \
> libsndfile libthai \
> libutil-linux \
> libx11 libxau libxcb libxcomposite libxcursor \
> libxdamage libxdmcp libxext libxfixes libxft libxi \
> libxinerama libxrandr libxrender \
> pango pcre pixman xz zlib  \
> xorg-fonts-misc ttf-dejavu \
> inxi vdpauinfo clinfo

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