[Cin] Test alpha channel and reroute plugin (from Igor Vladimirsky's blog)

Igor BEGHETTO igorbeg at visi1.org
Sat Oct 8 11:16:13 CEST 2022

Okay. Thanks Phyllis!
If You want to open my Project I added here a compressed file.
Because You may not have not the same font that I am using, in the 
timeline you will find another video track below "V1" track: 
"V1_Title2PNG" video track. It uses a PNG instead of the Title effect.
In the Patchbay You must enable "Play track" on the "V1" track, if you 
have the font API_Phonetique(JJMG) installed, otherwise disable "Play 
track" on the "V1" and enable "V1_Title2PNG" video track. The project is 
saved with "V1_Title2PNG" disabled.
For space reasons the video has been converted to a JPG frame.
(Tested with CinGG-20220928-x86_64-older_distros.AppImage)


Il 07/10/2022 18:47, Phyllis Smith ha scritto:
> it is just good enough that we know it can be done as you have 
> proven.  Anyday, yes, Color Model is set to RGBA-8 and the only reason 
> I set the value to 0.0334 was to make sure I was not missing 
> something.  I was not real sure which V1 Blur was which, but I 
> switched the 2 a couple of times to make sure I was not getting that 
> wrong.
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