[Cin] OT: comments from youtube can be saved, too

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 25 19:51:33 CEST 2023

Andrea, it does not have to be done this month because still waiting for
release of ffmpeg 6.1 so will not be making new AppImages.

I like your alternative suggestion - to have it as a separate document and
just link to it.  That would be much better in my opinion.

On Fri, Aug 25, 2023 at 11:20 AM Andrea paz <gamberucci.andrea at gmail.com>

> @Phyllis
> I am proceeding slowly for the new section on comparing CinGG features
> vs. other NLEs, because I lose a lot of time documenting the other
> programs. So I don't think I will finish within this month. Did you
> want to publish before the end of the month?
> @All
> Other issue. As I report the differences, I become more and more
> convinced that I don't like to see this section in the manual. It
> gives me the idea that those who read it will lose the motivation to
> learn CinGG and go back to the other programs. I propose another
> possibility: create a separate pdf to put in our git (similar to your
> QuickStart) and leave only a note and download link in the manual.
> What do you think? I am undecided which is the best solution so I am
> asking for your advice.
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