[Cin] OT: comments from youtube can be saved, too

Igor BEGHETTO igorbeg at visi1.org
Sat Aug 26 09:54:14 CEST 2023

Sorry for the late about your work on the Manual.
I think that it would be better create this "Differences" section in a 
another PDF, no inside the Cin-GG Manual.

About Canvas for the Timeline, as reported in an other thread 
for me is a mistake to compare Timeline with Canvas and I don't 
understand why we should explain what is Timeline for. The Andrea_paz's 
exemple is more correct for the Compositor area: that is the area where 
all is "drawn", from a user point of view.

For me Clip and Edit are the same, but Andrea_paz explained well to 
understand better how to distinguish them in Cinelerra.

I think Users would take many advantages if a few of shortcuts could be 
changed to standard shortcuts. I know, or I belive, that is not possible 
to create custom User shortcuts because Cinelerra-GG is not create with 
this feature, unfortunately. Some time ago I had suggested if it was 
possible to change some of them with the approval of the majority of 
users. I guess that older users don't want that.

Changing some shortcuts to a NLE's standard shortcuts.
For example: J - K - L (Play Normal reverse - Stop- Play Normal forward)
                         if pressed twice J (or L), its Play Fast or 
              I - O (InPoint - OutPoint)
              A - S (Jump backwards next cut - Jump forwards next cut)

If an shortcut on After column has a '+' symbol (for example: + 'I'),
it means that it is added at the old shortcut/s on Before column
and also that that shortcut has been take from an old shortcut (of course),
which it has another key.
(Capital letters in the After column do not mean Shift key is pressed)
Description                       |               Shortcut
                                   | Before            | After
-To clip                          | 'i'               | Ctrl+I
-Scroll window timeline... left   | LeftArrow, ','    | LeftArrow
-Scroll window timeline... right  | RightArrow, '.    | RightArrow
-Label                            | 'l'               | ''' (single quote)
-Go to                            | 'g'               | Ctrl+G
-Generate keyframes... tweeking   | 'j'               | 'G'
-Jump forward... next Keyframes   | 'k'               | Shift+Right Arrow
-Jump backwards... next Keyframes | Shift+K           | Shift+Left Arrow
-New Project...                   | 'n'               | Ctrl+N
-Load files...                    | 'o'               | Ctrl+O
-Save                             | 's'               | Ctrl+S
-Save as...                       | Shift+S           | Ctrl+Shift+S
-Save Session                     | Ctrl+S            | (null)
-Select-> All                     | 'a'               | Ctrl+A
-Deselect All                     | 'a' or null       | Ctrl+Shift+A
-Undo                             | 'z', Ctrl+Z       | Ctrl+Z
-Redo                             | Shift+Z           | Shift+Z
-InPoint                          | '[', '<'          | + 'I'
-OutPoint                         | ']', '>'          | + 'O'
-Play Normal reverse              | NumKP 6, Alt+O    | + 'J' Normal&Fast
-Play Stop                        | NumKP 0, Alt+M    | + 'K'
-Play Normal forward              | NumKP 3, Alt+L    | + 'L' Normal&Fast
-Jump backwards to the next cut   | Alt+LeftArrow     | + 'A'
-Jump forwards to the next cut    | Alt+RightArrow    | + 'S'
-One Frame back                   | NumKP 4, Alt+U    | + ',' (comma)
-One Frame forward                | NumKP 1, Alt+J    | + '.' (period)
                                   |                   |
-Load window: Select All files    | Ctrl+A            | Ctrl+A
-Load window: Deselect All files  | Ctrl+Z            | Ctrl+Shift+A
-BD Render...                     | Ctrl+Shift+d      | (null)
-DVD Render...                    | Alt+d             | (null)
-Delete last track                | 'd'->Ctrl+D       | Ctrl+D
-Quit                             | 'q'               | Ctrl+Q
-Settings-> Save settings now     | Ctrl+Shift+S      | Shift+S
-Settings-> Align cursor on frames| Ctrl+A            | Ctrl+F

To summarize the jumps backwards and forward:
-Jump backwards to the next cut   | Alt+LeftArrow,  'A'
-Jump forwards to the next cut    | Alt+RightArrow, 'S'
-Jump backwards to the next label | Ctrl+LeftArrow
-Jump forwards to the next label  | Ctrl+RightArrow
-Jump backwards... next Keyframes | Shift+LeftArrow
-Jump forward... next Keyframes   | Shift+RightArrow
-Jump backwards to the next Autos | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+LeftArrow
-Jump forward to the next Autos   | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+RightArrow
"Shift+K" and "Ctrl+Shift+K" no longer used.

Thanks! ...Igorbeg

Il 25/08/2023 19:19, Andrea paz via Cin ha scritto:
> @All
> Other issue. As I report the differences, I become more and more
> convinced that I don't like to see this section in the manual. It
> gives me the idea that those who read it will lose the motivation to
> learn CinGG and go back to the other programs. I propose another
> possibility: create a separate pdf to put in our git (similar to your
> QuickStart) and leave only a note and download link in the manual.
> What do you think? I am undecided which is the best solution so I am
> asking for your advice.

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