[Cin] Working on adding GPL license attribution for all program files

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Thu Jan 5 00:40:43 CET 2023

ср, 4 янв. 2023 г., 22:30 Phyllis Smith <phylsmith2017 at gmail.com>:

> As Andrew pointed out: "GPL license states each file should have
> attribution ...." so I checked into GIT the addition of missing GPL
> information for the *guicast subdirectory *and am working on the
> cinelerra subdirectory and eventually plugins subdirectory.  Some notes:
> 1) When header missing, first checked to see if file exists in Cinelerra
> HV-8 or CV.  If files existed there but no header, used header in like
> files.  For example, bccmodels.inc in HV-8 had no header but bccmodels.C
> did, so used the same one.
> 2) Files, like bootstrap.c, that exist in HV and have no header, I left
> unchanged because I have no idea where this file came from and it has an
> extension of lower case "c" instead of upper case "C".
> 3) Any file in Cinelerra-HV that did not have the Copyright/Name/Year, I
> did not change in CinGG, so that it would match.
> If Andrew has time to verify and thinks something should have been done
> differently, please let me know.

Well, in HV I see guicast files under GPL-2 OR later, not lgpl. There is
some difference and I am not sure what is best. Can i fwd this message to
Adam, may be he will add some licensing to HV git too?

Also, because whole guicast was written by Adam I think adding him as line
alongside Bill actually honest.


I yet to confirm (likely) source of initial ffmpeg.C - commit message says
CV but I guess it was specific branch, not CV main.

Also, as IgorV noticed because CinGG merged code from CV too it will be
honest if we add line like  "Cinelerra CV contributors, 2003-2016" ( I
think this is range when CV project was most active - but I need to
doublecheck.) to our startup message and increment cingg year to 2022 at
least because we still alive !


says fileffmpeg loader based on HV - 4.1 but heavily modified.

Also, did you linked google code repo to our webpage already?
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