[Cin] Weird world of WINDOW_CONFIG!

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 10 20:06:12 CET 2023

If I write up a short description on this for the Manual, will you check it
out for correctness?  I am not sure I could test it and get it all right
(and want to finish other things I am in the middle of).  BTW, I believe
these changes from the way CV worked were made to accommodate using CinGG
to watch broadcast TV - which is scenario "config set only compositor on B"
where B was the television.


> The below was very helpful, selection that worked for me was
> A_X11_HOST :0.0
> B_X11_HOST :0.1
> IIC it works now.  Cool!
What does IIC mean?  "Impact Insulation Class" does not sound right.  Does
it mean "I'm internally chuckling"?

> Highly recommend following thru on the thought of separating out the
> windows attributes so that each window has it's own display preference
> setting.
Will add this as a feature request.

> Also recommend modifying the build procedure so that make automagically
> includes the git commit tag from the version used to create the binary,
> and a cin --version option to inquire without it starting the GUI.
Good suggestions.  It was brought up before to include the "git commit tag"
but I can not remember why it was not implemented.
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