[Cin] executable stacks are bad...m-kay?

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Wed Jan 11 13:37:58 CET 2023

ср, 11 янв. 2023 г., 13:30 Andrew Randrianasulu <randrianasulu at gmail.com>:

> ср, 11 янв. 2023 г., 13:03 Rob Prowel via Cin <cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org
> >:
>> Thought this went away in my Jan-2023 git pull, but apparently not.
>> Looked in my dmesg output and saw this again.
>> process 'sharebin/cingg2301/bin/cin' started with executable stack
>> Why?  A consequence of the plug-in system? a poorly designed 3rdparty
>> library? an oversight?
>> --
> I think this is due to embedding icon 'object' (lots of png files
> concatenated) into main executable ...
> from cinelerra/Makefile
>         cd $(OBJDIR) && \
>         $(GUICAST)/$(OBJDIR)/bootstrap theme_data.o
> $(TOPDIR)/picon/cinfinity/*.png
> (also I thought we hoped to optipng them, if quality not suffer ...)

can you check if something like attached patch fixes it for you?

i hope it was only o file with missing GNU.stack

~/cinelerra/cinelerra-5.1 $ readelf -SW cinelerra/aarch64/*.o | grep note |
wc -l
                  ~/cinelerra/cinelerra-5.1 $ ls cinelerra/aarch64/*.o | wc

readelf line from


linker flag from


note, old linkers may dislike this and also it seems clang linker (lld)
default on termux does this by default ....

> stack segments are generally marked as no-exec to protect against using
>> them to execute rogue instructions by saving those instructions in
>> auto-vars on the stack that could be executed by fudging the return
>> address of a function.
>> Just looking for an acknowledgement of this, and any relevant related
>> history at this point.
>> --
>> Cin mailing list
>> Cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org
>> https://lists.cinelerra-gg.org/mailman/listinfo/cin
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