[Cin] Patch HDR for Color3way

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 9 18:53:46 CET 2024

> For now you could exclude the Color3way patch but put the other two back
> in.

I was wondering about Histogram and Overlayframe and was just being overly
cautious by backing them out.  So unless someone mentions a problem with
them before Feb. 29, I will add those 2 back in.  Meanwhile, I will at
least see if I can reproduce the color3way issue and look at the code, but
do not expect I can solve it.

> PS: Using the overlays in the patchbay seems to me that the PorterDuff
> do not work. This does not depend on the patch because I have the same
> behavior even with the old appimages without the patch...
> In about October of 2022, I spent a lot of time looking at all of these to
assure myself that they were working as documented and comparing them to
output from Gimp and SVG.  This was because IgorV made a note in his blog
that at least one of them was all wrong -- it was not, and that was because
of history and design differences.   I found the following necessary as a
reminder of how to get the expected results with PorterDuff.

Just now, in comparing the results with the alternative views in the
manual, the PorterDuff matches what I see. I will send Andrea the png file
I used as the base to be used with any other landscape png on the second
track - both of which better illustrate the results when offset as shown in
the manual.
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