[Cin] Fwd: Chromakey + blur testcase from IgorV

Andrea paz gamberucci.andrea at gmail.com
Mon Feb 26 18:34:10 CET 2024

I tried to update the text of Blur plugin in the manual. See if it is
okay (to be added at the end):

Problems may arise, with old projects or with
Cinelerra-CV/Cinelerra-HV projects, regarding the parameter
\textit{alpha determines radius}. However, to avoid problems, it was
hidden in the GUI's plugin. For compatibility reasons and for future
development it has been left in the code.
The parameter about \textit{alpha determines radius} is
\texttt{A\_KEY}. \texttt{A\_KEY} can be 0 or 1. When we press the
\texttt{Reset} button in the Blur plugin window the values are:
\texttt{Radius=5}; \texttt{Horizontal= Vertical= A= R= G= B= 1};
\texttt{A\_KEY= 0}.

Old projects may have saved that parameter (A\_KEY) to 1 so, in the
special cases, is needed some workarounds to put it to 0.

    \item Open the file project (\texttt{.xml}) in a text editor and
change the A\_KEY value of the BLUR from 1 to 0. It can be useful to
change ALL these value using \textit{Find and replace...} tool.
    \item In \CGG{} program, open the project. Click on the cog icon
(\textit{Preset edit}) of the Blur effect bar and the \textit{Keyframe
parameters} window is open. There, you can see the A\_KEY parameter
and change it: select the \texttt{A\_KEY} parameter and in the
\texttt{Edit value} change it from 1 to 0,... and press \texttt{OK}

> Not even sure if it makes sense to do release this month? On the other hand not even sure if we will able to fix more than one problem in next 30 days ...
 I would bring out a new appimage because DeJay needed the appimage
with Color 3 Way working...

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