[Cin] OT: comments from youtube can be saved, too

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Sat Aug 26 10:02:06 CEST 2023

сб, 26 авг. 2023 г., 10:54 Igor BEGHETTO via Cin <cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org

> Sorry for the late about your work on the Manual.
> I think that it would be better create this "Differences" section in a
> another PDF, no inside the Cin-GG Manual.
> About Canvas for the Timeline, as reported in an other thread
> (https://lists.cinelerra-gg.org/pipermail/cin/2023-August/006852.html),
> for me is a mistake to compare Timeline with Canvas and I don't
> understand why we should explain what is Timeline for. The Andrea_paz's
> exemple is more correct for the Compositor area: that is the area where
> all is "drawn", from a user point of view.
> For me Clip and Edit are the same, but Andrea_paz explained well to
> understand better how to distinguish them in Cinelerra.
> I think Users would take many advantages if a few of shortcuts could be
> changed to standard shortcuts. I know, or I belive, that is not possible
> to create custom User shortcuts because Cinelerra-GG is not create with
> this feature, unfortunately. Some time ago I had suggested if it was
> possible to change some of them with the approval of the majority of
> users. I guess that older users don't want that.

Main problem those keyboard commands spread all over codebase, so changing
them can be a chore ... also, I need to think how it will look
programmatically (not tried this more strategic part yet!)

Thanks for possible mappings, I try to save them for (possible) later use.

> #################################################################
> Changing some shortcuts to a NLE's standard shortcuts.
> For example: J - K - L (Play Normal reverse - Stop- Play Normal forward)
>                          if pressed twice J (or L), its Play Fast or
> Normal.
>               I - O (InPoint - OutPoint)
>               A - S (Jump backwards next cut - Jump forwards next cut)
> If an shortcut on After column has a '+' symbol (for example: + 'I'),
> it means that it is added at the old shortcut/s on Before column
> and also that that shortcut has been take from an old shortcut (of course),
> which it has another key.
> (Capital letters in the After column do not mean Shift key is pressed)
> ----------------------------------+-------------------+-------------------+
> Description                       |               Shortcut
>                                    | Before            | After
> ----------------------------------+-------------------+-------------------+
> -To clip                          | 'i'               | Ctrl+I
> -Scroll window timeline... left   | LeftArrow, ','    | LeftArrow
> -Scroll window timeline... right  | RightArrow, '.    | RightArrow
> -Label                            | 'l'               | ''' (single quote)
> -Go to                            | 'g'               | Ctrl+G
> -Generate keyframes... tweeking   | 'j'               | 'G'
> -Jump forward... next Keyframes   | 'k'               | Shift+Right Arrow
> -Jump backwards... next Keyframes | Shift+K           | Shift+Left Arrow
> -New Project...                   | 'n'               | Ctrl+N
> -Load files...                    | 'o'               | Ctrl+O
> -Save                             | 's'               | Ctrl+S
> -Save as...                       | Shift+S           | Ctrl+Shift+S
> -Save Session                     | Ctrl+S            | (null)
> -Select-> All                     | 'a'               | Ctrl+A
> -Deselect All                     | 'a' or null       | Ctrl+Shift+A
> -Undo                             | 'z', Ctrl+Z       | Ctrl+Z
> -Redo                             | Shift+Z           | Shift+Z
> -InPoint                          | '[', '<'          | + 'I'
> -OutPoint                         | ']', '>'          | + 'O'
> -Play Normal reverse              | NumKP 6, Alt+O    | + 'J' Normal&Fast
> -Play Stop                        | NumKP 0, Alt+M    | + 'K'
> -Play Normal forward              | NumKP 3, Alt+L    | + 'L' Normal&Fast
> -Jump backwards to the next cut   | Alt+LeftArrow     | + 'A'
> -Jump forwards to the next cut    | Alt+RightArrow    | + 'S'
> -One Frame back                   | NumKP 4, Alt+U    | + ',' (comma)
> -One Frame forward                | NumKP 1, Alt+J    | + '.' (period)
>                                    |                   |
> -Load window: Select All files    | Ctrl+A            | Ctrl+A
> -Load window: Deselect All files  | Ctrl+Z            | Ctrl+Shift+A
> -BD Render...                     | Ctrl+Shift+d      | (null)
> -DVD Render...                    | Alt+d             | (null)
> -Delete last track                | 'd'->Ctrl+D       | Ctrl+D
> -Quit                             | 'q'               | Ctrl+Q
> -Settings-> Save settings now     | Ctrl+Shift+S      | Shift+S
> -Settings-> Align cursor on frames| Ctrl+A            | Ctrl+F
> ----------------------------------+-------------------+-------------------+
> To summarize the jumps backwards and forward:
> ----------------------------------+-------------------+-------------------+
> -Jump backwards to the next cut   | Alt+LeftArrow,  'A'
> -Jump forwards to the next cut    | Alt+RightArrow, 'S'
> -Jump backwards to the next label | Ctrl+LeftArrow
> -Jump forwards to the next label  | Ctrl+RightArrow
> -Jump backwards... next Keyframes | Shift+LeftArrow
> -Jump forward... next Keyframes   | Shift+RightArrow
> -Jump backwards to the next Autos | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+LeftArrow
> -Jump forward to the next Autos   | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+RightArrow
> ----------------------------------+-------------------+-------------------+
> "Shift+K" and "Ctrl+Shift+K" no longer used.
> #################################################################
> Thanks! ...Igorbeg
> Il 25/08/2023 19:19, Andrea paz via Cin ha scritto:
> > @All
> > Other issue. As I report the differences, I become more and more
> > convinced that I don't like to see this section in the manual. It
> > gives me the idea that those who read it will lose the motivation to
> > learn CinGG and go back to the other programs. I propose another
> > possibility: create a separate pdf to put in our git (similar to your
> > QuickStart) and leave only a note and download link in the manual.
> > What do you think? I am undecided which is the best solution so I am
> > asking for your advice.
> --
> Cin mailing list
> Cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org
> https://lists.cinelerra-gg.org/mailman/listinfo/cin
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